Friday, June 10, 2011

Email 6-10-11

Well here i am again typing about as fast as i possibly can to try and fit as much information into a 30 minutes period.  actually i got on my email today and who should i have an email from but the great and wonderful Elder (Jacob) Stout.  He gave my name a try on the email system and he got it right.  it was awesome to hear from him he got his first baptism in the field i'm so pumped for him.
well my week in a summary would have to be nothing less of epic.... if only you guys could comprehend all the things that are going on here in the MTC non stop..........  six hours straight of spanish class mixed with eating meals and studying.  its a good kind of feeling though that you keep busy and don't stop working.  We have awesome elders in our district.  All of the teachers in our zone and all of our leaders envy our district because normally it takes a district the full 9 weeks to truly come together and form love for eachother.  We did it in 1!!! :D  We have three Hermanas in our districto.  Amamos ellos mucho porque trean el espiritu mucho durante clase y todas dias.
Spanish is coming along very very nicely.  my vocabulary in struggling a little mostly because there are just so many words that you need to know and look up.  It gets very boring very fast but i know i need to stay working hard to i don't slack at all...  One thing that was really awesome that all of the elders in our room do is usually we take time everyday and bear our testimonies in spanish.  Its awesome because we can understand one another and we can work on the spanish that we already know.  Its a good break from when the teachers talk in spanish because sometimes they just get rolling and all you can understand is ;alskdjf;lkajsdlkfja;sldkfjsjalskdfj MISSION ;lkasdfja;skldfja;lksdjf GOSPEL a;lksdf;lkajsdl;fkjasd;lkfja;lsdkfjal;skdjf LIFE a;sldkfja;lskdjf;alskdfj;lk INVESTIGATORS a;lskdfj;alskdjf;alksdjf;lkasdjf.  I just can't wait until i have enough knowledge and skill to fully understand what they are saying in their entire conversation because it will help me in my studying and in my lesson prep. 
This week Elder Varney and I taught our progressing investigator Manuelle.  He is a poor factory worker from Paraguay that loves his family very much.  We struggled with the first lesson we gave him mostly because we were so scared.  he was speaking spanish so fast and we had to build ours from scratch....... scary........ so the first lesson not so hot.  but the second time we gave him a lesson we were more prepared.  We talked about god's plan and how it includes families being together forever.  We also talked about prophets and the restoration.  It was awesome because i got to share with him joseph smith's 1st vision.  The spirit was so strong.  We committed him to read from the book fo mormon a section in alma about faith.  The third lesson elder Varney and I thought we should focus on the job he as recently been struggling with.  We found a chapter in jacob 2 that talked about seeking first hope in christ before riches.  we talked about the expiriences he had while reading the BOM ( which he loved) we assigned him to start at the beginning and read about nephi and his journey to the promised land.  We also taught him to pray and got him to say the closing prayer.  It was awesome because he said he wanted to know the path to which he could find answers to problems in his life.  And we just gave it to him through prayer and reading the BOM.
Well besides our investigator nothing much has changed in our ritual daily life schedule.  I guess one thing that has been pretty exiciting lately has been me and elder Varney tearing it up on the VBAll court.  He has taught me to hit approach and all that jazz...... usually we annihilate everyone......... Elder Varney is a good guy he really focuses on the needs that people have.  Which is good because sometimes i just get rollin in the lessons and just talk and talk.  We make a really good team. not only with sports but in the gospel also.
So Highlight of my day yesterday had to be when Elder Marple and I auditioned for a spot in the Sunday devontional musical number.  We played awesome (the song we played was we thank the o God for a prophet* our own arrangement).  The 2 sisters that were listening were the MTC presidents wife and another presidency member's wife. Sister Nally (she really knew music..... like really you have no idea)  She told Elder Marple some things that could help him out on the cello and it was pretty good.  She talked to me about arranging music and how difficult it could be and stuff.  The best part besides having passed and been approved to play in the devotional was that they wanted us to make more.... lots more..... and the best part was that in 1 month there is going to be a mission presidents conference was a ton of mission presidents come to the MTC and President Monson could be there along with several other members of the quorum of the twelve, and they said it was a posibility that we could be playing our number at that conference because the theme is We thank thee o'god for a prophet.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH awesome.........  I know that for some reason Elder Marple and I were supposed to find eachother and do what we did.  Hopefully we get that awesome chance to perform for prophets of god and help them feel the spirit as they begin their meeting.
wow well besides that everything is fine.  The only thing i'm having trouble getting is sleep.  I really didn't think much of anything about it but i guess its a big deal.  for the last 2 weeks I have been getting on average probably about 3 hours of sleep every night so now i have to go see a doctor to see what my problem is.  but don't worry everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
Yo se que mediante el espiritu puedemos ensenar todas personas la verdad.  tengo llamare de dios.  Yo se con todas me corazon.  Yo agradecido por el oportunidad hablar esponal y aprender espanol en mi mision.  yo amo todas el elderes en mi districto.  estan muy bien.  yo amo me familia mucho.  estan mi insperacion y fuerza.  gracias por su amor y fe.
----Elder Beatty

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