Thursday, June 30, 2011

Email 6-24-11

A little note from Elder Beatty's sister: I'm trying to get the song that they recorded on here so just be patient :) and I'll figure out a way
Wow its crazy to think that swoosh another week is gone and past.  Its crazy how much is going on around here in the MTC.  There are all the NEW mission presidents here getting training by the quorum of the twelve.  Just this last wednesday me and elder varney had to go up front to pick up an elder that had come in late from the new missionaries and we got stopped and interigated before we could enter the front gate.  And while we were waiting who should drive up in their chrysler but Elder Cook....... It was funny to see how everyone was freaking out when he showed up and Elder Varney and I just smiled and waited while we saw him walk in.  Its sooooo cool to think about how all the quorum of the twelve is here.  Unfortunately Elder marple and I didn't get the chance to play in anything special.  But I hope you got the email that I had sent to you with a recording of one of the songs that we did.  If you didn't get it on your email then its on my email Beatty2010.  It was "God be with you till we meet again".  It sounded really cool when we auditioned for it.
Well whats new this week.  Elder Varney and I got called to be the new Zone leaders in the Branch.  Its not a crazy job.  It just has alot of little things that you have to do like call the branch president every night and tell him about what went on.  And you have to help elders recolve their conflicts with one another.  The only really crazy thing was that we had 24 new missionaries come in this week..... that was the most that the branch presidency had ever said they had seen come in at one time.  Elder Varney and I had to keep them in line and give them orientations about every little thing that we took for granted in the MTC.  We forgot to say alot of stuff but it was alright cuz between both of us we remembered most the important stuff we were supposed to say.  Elder Varney is a good elder.  even though I know we have our problems he always has a spirit i hope to always have one day.
Spanish is coming along good.  I have definately found out what my strengths and weaknesses are.  If anybody has any suggestions for learning to expand your vocab and memorize stuff please let me know.  I'm having a hard time finding a system that works for me in remembering all the words I wanna study.  Anyway besides that things are going great.  Elder Varney and I are really coming close.  I think this new calling has really reinforced his desire to stay determined.  Before he would often times go off to lala land and leave me stuck in the muck of things.  But I really like how through this calling i am able to gain even more leadership opportunity and growth.  This is an entirely new area of leadership that I really haven't ever been a part of before.  Its all about love and being at peace with God and I realize now that it is very important.  I hope that I can still apply it to my regular leadership stuff when I get back from my mission because it makes everything you say so much more powerful.
Well like i said this week is when all the mission presidents come and its really cool cuz i think today we get to hear from one of the quroum of the twelve.  I hope it is Elder Holland.  He just really throws it down when it comes to the spirit and what needs to be said.  We have watched multiple talks about his testimony of missionary work and the power it has in changing the lives of the people we teach.  I can't wait to get a peace of that thrown at me. 
Our investigator is doing awesome.  We taught him the 1st half of the 2nd lesson up to the atonement.  Its awesome to see how his understand is changing about religion and about god.  elder Varney and I had an awesome session with him and we asked him to be baptized.  He thought for a second and then he said that He wanted to search the book of mormon and pray to God about it first.......... Elder Varney and I were like (Choir Singing) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... mana words from heaven.  You always want your investigator to look for the truth in the BOM.  when they do you can never go wrong.  Thats just how it goes.  We are planning on taking on another investigator later this week.  We know that our responsibilities have increased with being the ZONE leaders but we want to get as much practice in as possible in truly finding out about your investigator.  Becoming to know how they feel and what they need, not what you think they need, knowing what they need in their life to truly come unto christ. 
This week we have had one of the elders in our district really struggling with Spanish and with the Gospel Principles.  He is a 23 year old young man from New Mexico.  He already has his major in math and is going to work on his bachelors when he gets back.  One of his huge problems is that because he is a math major he wants to know why everything is the way it is.  I really wanted to help him because without learning to understand that we can't know everything how will he be able to progress in the gospel and in Spanish.  I was searching and i found a scripture in 2COR 5:6-7  it roughly says.  While we know that we are at home in the body we are away from the presence of God.  We walk by faith not by sight.   
This was and awesome scripture that touched his heart.  I told him that even though the gospel has all the questions to everyin sing answer we can think of.  Sometimes God wants to see how faithful we are in believing his words..... that as we walk by faith and not by sight we can grow in our love for him as he helps us understand all things.  I wish you could have seen the turn around in this missionary.  Now he is not questioning the Lord or the teachers about why spanish is the way it is or why gospel is the way it is.  He has truly come to be humble before God.  And seeing his example wants me to be better.  It makes me want to not waste a minute of the Lords time.  because I know I have been called of the few that are chosen.  I have been chosen to preach the gospel to the people of Paraguay.  And I know that as I walk by faith and not by sight I can know the Spanish.... I can know the words that I need to say in order to change the lives of everysingle person i come in contact with.  How?  because I know that god knows them.  I know that god knows what I need to say in order to show them that they need to return to gods love.  and I know that as i am humble and search for the truth with god on my left and on my right, he will help me know what to say.  I know that he will give me in that very hour the words I will say (DC11)
I am truly grateful for all of you that get a chance to read this.  I can promise you that no matter what problems you are going through in your life, no matter how you feel, no matter how confused you may get,  God is there for you and he will answer your problems.  All we need to do is sincerely search and ask for help.  I love you all and am thankful for your support and your prayers.  The gospel is true and I know that fact with all my being.  KEEP THE FAITH, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP THE TRUTH
Yo amo mi familia mucho, para siempre!  estoy feliz para la oportunidad a sirvir! 
Love- Elder Beatty

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