Monday, November 5, 2012

Email 11/5/12

Wow it seems like just the other day I was writing an email about the same things that I have planned to write about but we will see how it goes. I know that sometimes these messages just get repetative but what can I do. It’s the mission hahaha. So I don´t think that I told you guys about changes really because we didn´t end up getting them till later on Monday. Elder Martinez and I ended up staying together here in CDE. Ya I’m alright with it. I guess that there must be something that I still have to learn from him so that I continue with my personal progression here in the mission and continue to prepare me to be the son of God that He wants me to be. Really in the whole zone there was only 1 change so it was super boring. It wasn´t anything special so we just kept working and kept trying to find new people. On Thursday we traveled out to a place called Santa Rita. It is a small city were pretty much everyone that is there speaks Portuguese. We went there so that we could do diviiones with the elders that are there. They are struggling really bad and so we wanted to go and see if there was anything that we could do to help them find some people to teach and have a little more progression in their area. Our diviiones went ok. We got a lot done and we taught lots of new people. But was a little sad to get the report at the end of the week and find out that really they didn´t teach much more after we left or find anyone else. Its moments like that when I have to ask myself what is really going on with those missionaries and what can I do to help them have the desire to just work and help others come unto Christ. Well we are going to keep praying and trying to receive revelation.

Other than that we have just been trying to find a whole bunch of “news” so that we can have more and more people to baptized. We have had two investigators and we have been working with them a ton to make sure that they get baptized. With them they are diamond investigators who come to church all by themselves and just love learning about the gospel and I know that they are going to make some awesome converts. We have their baptism all figured out for this weekend that is coming. We are going to try and get the whole church to come so that they can feel the support that the ward members have for them and that they are super pumped for their decision to get baptized. Really it’s so cool to see the difference that there is between someone who really wants to accept the gospel in their lives and people who really aren´t interested. The people who really want to come unto Christ and repent are like a sponge. they just seem to suck up every single little bit of information that they give you about how to get closer to Christ and how to repent while the people who really aren´t interested just kind of want you to convince them and show them new stuff but aren´t interested in changing anything.

Right now we are in Asuncion because we came to have a leadership meeting with President Agazzani. Really right now he is focused on changing a lot of the mission culture and so really we just sit and he tells us all the stuff he wants us to change and so we really haven´t had any super spiritual moments with the President in our meetings yet like how it was with President Callan, but I know that it’s ok. Change is good and you got to start somewhere if you want a change to come around. I´m just really tired because we had to stay up all night to catch our bus and we didn´t sleep and now I have to head back to CDE with a 7 hour bus ride that feels like a boat. It’s going to be loads of fun.

Really this last week I have had a huge change in my mission. I have really felt the powers of repentance working through me as I decided to more fully commit myself to becoming and doing what my Heavenly Father wants. I know that really it’s the change for the best that we can have and it’s the change that will allow us come unto Him someday and He will tell us good work and that our mission is done. I love you all and hope you have a super fantastic week. Sometimes there are some things that one should be the best at. I want to be the best at repenting.
Elder Beatty

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